Through workers’ compensation, employees can know that their job is protected. Employers can also know that they will not face any legal action at this time. If an employee becomes injured, workers’ compensation can aid them during this time. They can become seriously injured at work in some cases. They may be out of work for a few weeks or for even longer. Depending on each situation, they may have to receive different benefits to aid them during this time. If you are involved in an accident at work where you become injured, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. You should seek medical attention to assess your injuries and how long they may need to heal. This can provide in better detail the extent of your injuries. It may also be able to provide proof that you were injured while on the job. Neither the employee or employer is at fault when workers’ compensation is collected by an employee. This recognizes your right to gain workers’ compensation and avoid entering into litigation with your employer.
Who is responsible for a workplace accident?
When workers’ compensation is collected, neither an employee or employer is at fault. The employee cannot be blamed for being injured. By collecting workers’ compensation, the employers cannot face legal action from the injured party. During these cases, the employer cannot be sued by the employee. They are protected just as the employee is. However, a third party may be sued during this case. If a third party was involved, they may have contributed to an accident. This can cause them to pay damages to a worker. If the injured employee receives damages from a lawsuit against a third party, they may have to pay back the workers’ compensation they previously collected. These situations should not be taken lightly. An employee can be seriously injured and may be out of work for quite some time. They should take matters into their hands to get aid for themselves in order to better prepare themselves. During this time, they can seek legal advice on how to proceed with these situations in the workplace. These situations can be difficult for someone to face since their future may seem uncertain.
The Law Offices of George Poulos is an experienced Workers’ Compensation, personal injury, and Social Security Disability law firm with offices in Queens and the Bronx. If you require strong legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a free consultation.